Thursday, July 12, 2018

DropBox 49.4.68


Dropbox is a social storage device that has a 2 GB capacity and allows it to be saved with other users or as a backup copy.
The application is fully integrated into the searcher, and only an additional folder within the directory structure. Files or folders that you copy to Dropbox automatically synchronize your existing user account files to the Internet.
File transfer is available through a nice web interface that allows you to monitor different versions of the file that have been uploaded, which can be restored to the original file, which has been updated several times. Only part of the file that has been modified has been moved, which allows bandwidth to be saved when saving large files.
Dropbox has a system of shared folders that any user can access with the previous invitation. Ideal for sharing pictures with family and friends, as it is presented in a gallery format. Finally, a file is accessible from the Internet, because it has its own URL.
Now you can use offline folder in Dropbox Smartphone application
The file-hosting name that worked for cloud storage technology is now being used by users since the ages have been asking that the mobile apps have the ability to work offline with files. One of the most requested features in Dropbox is that other rivals have long been proud of.
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More than 68 million looted passwords from Dropbox
A few days ago, many Dropbox users received their emails so they could change their passwords if they did not do this job since 2013. Does that mean that "preventive measures" have now been expressed as a reaction? The account information leakage occurred in that year. To be precise, 68,680,741 accounts may be opened, including email addresses and encrypted passwords, in some cases may be published using a weak hash that has changed to reset their password.
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