Wednesday, October 2, 2019

FLIP - Focus Timer for Study

FLIP is a task and time management application similar to others like Trello or Toggle. This tool allows users to transform their Android as their greatest ally when it comes to tasks or learning projects that require time, concentration, and above all motivation.
The way FLIP works is simple: Launch the app and you'll get a timer and a + sign at the bottom of the screen, along with your new partner in optimizing the application mask and time. Tap the + sign and you can create a new purpose or a faster timer. If you create a purpose, you can give it a name, add a color to the activity, indicate the timeline and start time, and click to accept. At that point you can start the timer and get the job done. If you only opt for the timer, you will first go directly to the section without creating an activity screen.
One of the interesting things about FLIP is that it also monitors the concentration of your tracked levels with daily ratings. This is based on whether you stop studying before scheduling for yourself. The more you use this tool, the more complete it is to record your day-to-day work. One of the more interesting features in FLIP is that it provides the option to accompany the task with the white noise, which plays when the timer starts and helps you stay longer. The words that come up are the keyboard cafe, the rain and the river.
FLIP is a good tool for managing and adapting to your work or study time. Plus it's got a nice design and a small character that is pretty cool to persuade you

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Requires Android 4.4 and above

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